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    Joel Pekay    
    Career Summary    

I am a customer-focused leader with a knack for building new revenue streams and forging loyal relationships with clients, vendors and business partners. My motivational leadership and management approach allows me to build, guide and retain high-performing teams dedicated to driving accelerated growth.


I have a noteworthy ability to identify and capitalize on emerging market trends, which allows me to lead my teams and organization to peak performance. I do this by driving market enthusiasm through lead generation, advertising, communications, seminars, trade shows, industry events, public relations, public speaking, online marketing, social media and SEO.


Some key highlights of my experience include:

  • Developed, built, and led consumer goods business division driving global testing, inspection, and certification services for DEKRA North America

  • Leadership for sales and marketing for 1 of 5 global divisions of Intertek, a global publically traded company

  • Generated $50 million annual revenue in new Health, Environmental, and Regulatory and $280 million annual revenue for Chemicals and Pharmaceutical for Intertek

  • Grew revenues by over 50% and attained 41% gross profit margin through strategic marketing for CIMCO, a privately held communications company

  • Added $24M annual revenue through sales and marketing to Focal, a communications company and built critical business elements to launch a successful IPO

  • Launched Ameritech DSL in a 5 state region through development and implementation of the marketing strategy generating initial revenues of $138M

  • Managed teams with the goal to make every member a dynamic success by pushing them to think out of the box and strive for excellence









    Career Details Leadership Attributes    
    Business Development
and Sales
Marketing Future    
    Objective Success Stories Resume    
    Arebas CD Crusher Arebas CD Crusher      
    Triplet Press Baby Logs    